  1. Bad Monday

From the recording 2020

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1st track from Donald Bouyear 5th album 2020. Written, performed and recorded by Don Bouyear
Style is Hard Rock


I lie here asleep at the end of a busy weekend.
A slumber of peace yet knowing the problems that lie ahead.
Time to wake up, you got to get up, you got to wake up, It’s that time again,
Get the fuck out of bed, these things can take awhile on a Bad Monday.

O my god, time to wake up, what a crazy weekend, why did I stay up.
O my god, why did I sleep in, It’s a fucking Monday.
O my god, I’m going to be late, fucking car this crazy traffic.
O my god, feeling mighty shitty head is hurting tommy feeling queasy.

And there I was pulling into the parking lot.
Surprise surprise there’s my boss. He’s yelling at me.
Why you fucking late Don!
Why you fucking late Don? What am I supposed to tell him?
Should I just tell him that I just fucking dread Mondays?
No I don’t fucking care.

Freight Train coming at ya
Mondays, Mondays, Mondays, Mondays

Rising out of my control. A loud noise brings spurs me back
It’s enough to make me want to cry. It’s like satins world
Its all full of mass hysteria, Im a slave to the old mighty dollar.
Mondays bring me down, I hate Mondays.

It’s me again. I’m back.
Got to get up and make a master rich. That’s just the way its been until my dying day.
Every other day leads to a Monday, until it starts all over again.
I hate Mondays, This could take awhile on a Bad Monday.
O my God, time to wake up, what a crazy weekend, why did I stay up.
O my God, why did I sleep in, It’s a fucking Monday, Take it down low.
O my God, going to be late, fucking car, O crazy traffic.
O my God, feeling mighty shitty, head is hurting tommy feeling queasy.

It just goes on and on and on and on and on
O Mondays, I hate fucking Mondays.