From the recording 2020

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4th track from Don Bouyear album 2020. Hardrock song written, performed and recorded by Donald Bouyear


Very emotional, all these problems, you better take a good look at yourself
So hurtful, full of words, always spitting them at the world.
Always angry, fighting others you need to free your mind and step away.

And take no time to disengage.
Always plotting your next desperate move.
All this pain is putting you down.
Why can’t you rise above and escape yourself.

Killing giants got you stomping around,
Screaming at giants got you walking around.

Lock your daughters up I’m coming for them.
I need to find and discover a new friend.
I got to find you, I need you now.
I’m going know where and I want you around.

Killing giants got me stomping around
Screaming at giants got you to take you down

Can you see them. I know they’re there.
Can you help me, know I’m scared?

Getting closer, know theyre here.
March, March, can’t stop man

Very emotional, all these problems, why can’t you take a good look at yourself.
So hurtful, full of words, always spitting them at the world.

God above us , help me save me and care.
I can’t take no more god I’m in despair.
Get the fuck out my mind lies bare.
I need a change from this god dam world.

Killing giants got me stomping around.
Screaming at giants got to take them down.
Take the time to love ourselves
We need a change and I got to pull them down.
Love your brothers and your sisters too.
Tell your momma where your going too.