  1. Questions

From the recording The Phantom Itch

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Hard rock track based on a 11/8 time signature.


I cannot tell you how it makes me feel?
Sitting alone in an old rocking chair.
Growing old and wondering why?
Why we still try and make it all work.
Life is so silly whats it all mean
Can it all be that were all just the same.
"Chorus" I dont know why I cannot tell you, I cannot say I cannot tell you what you want me to say. I dont know why.
Why is there air to breath? How can we touch each other? What is all the water for? Why is there you and me?
Chorus Solo Chorus
I cannot tell you how it makes me feel? Staring at stars seems so unreal. Out there blinking light years away. Why are they out there making new days? Life is so silly whats it all mean, Can it all be that were not the same?
Why is there sky to see? Who starts the thunder overhead? Who makes the crashing noise? Are the angels falling out of bed?
To see the world in a grain of sand And heaven in a wild flower Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. In an hour Why?