  1. Wee Too High

From the recording Wee Too High

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Now you want to try, and make it all right.
Find a way to say goodbye.
O My, my it’s got to hurt, You got to high having lost our way.
Awake again, it never ends,
got to go out and earn some wins.
Hide behind my imperfect smile,
show the world I can reach the top.

Velocity climbing, I see through your eyes,
Shaking and shivering, we climb too high
Looking down as the world rush by.
I’m crying we got too high.

A feral child is how it began.
No one could teach him, he didn’t understand.
He can’t win, he will figure it out. You’ll understand,
No one could keep him down and out.
He worked really hard, near the top,
Your chance is here, don’t shy away.
One more hit, now you’ve gone to high,
O my, my, you took it to high one last Time.

Velocity climbing, I see through your eyes,
Shaking and shivering, we climb too high
Looking down as humanity rush bye

I see, I see away to fly.

Guitar solos

I see you, and I love you, I got to try harder,
I can breathe, I’ve just got too, I can try.
I can make it our world.
Velocity climbing, I see through your eyes,
Shaking and shivering, we climb too high
Looking down as the world rush by.
I’m crying that’s the ground coming at you.
Right now, I, I really loved you, we got too high, we fell from sky,
O my, my my, we flew to high, I’m scared, I’m looking through your eyes,
O my my, we are high, we flew too high.